He said "Yeah, I can see that, and I think you do a great job." But then he said "You know what I've really enjoyed these last few years? I've really enjoyed podcasting." And I said, "You know, I have too, but from when I was a senior in high school until I actually got Daring Fireball as a job off the ground, I've thought I want to be a columnist, I wanted to be a writer, and I wanna write, y'know, something like this." I never in a million years thought that I would be, like, a broadcaster as something that I should put on my tax return.īut there's no question that the podcast is half my job.
He's exactly like what you think he's like in person - he's full of very strong opinions.īut he was talking about what we do, and I was telling him how what I loved about him was that he was a columnist, and that to me, there was something in my head about that style of writing that's writing a column, and that's what I always wanted to do with Daring Fireball, and he was very complimentary. And I got to talking with Walt Mossberg.Īnd it was a great talk, it always is. While you guys are in the State of the Union, people like me are sitting around talking. Yesterday, during the press event - there's all sorts of stuff back stage, and you have briefings, and there's schedules, and there's people and the press and you have to sit around all day. Those of you in this room, those of you listening at home. So yesterday, when I was at the - there's one last group of people I wanna thank, and that's you. And I thank them for sponsoring the open bar here, because I certainly wasn't gonna pick up the bill. If you have email marketing needs, go check out Mailchimp. So if you've enjoyed a few beverages before the show, you can thank Mailchimp for that. Go to, and you can find out more.Īnd last but not least, and one of the great traditions of this show is I think every single time I've done it - I don't know, I've lost count, I think it's like the sixth one, maybe seventh, but I think every single time we've had an open bar, and that open bar has been sponsored by the same company - the great people at Mailchimp. And if you're a developer, certainly go there and look at it and see if it makes sense for your app to be part of their service.
They are tried and true indie Mac developers it's a great service if you're a user - with is probably more people than developers - go there and check it out. It's brought to you by MacPaw, a long-time independent Mac developer, the makers of CleanMyMac, Gemini, and a bunch of other stuff. It is quite a deal, and they've got a ton of great apps in there.
You pay $9.99/month as a user, and you get access - they have over 70 apps in the service - think of it as like, Netflix for apps. Setapp, if you haven't heard about it, is a new subscription service for indie Mac apps. Our third sponsor - great sponsor - are there any developers here in the audience? You guys dying? You probably wanna know who's the guest? So I'll just tell you that, and then I'll do another sponsor?
All of their cloud accounts start with a 30-day free trial that is production-ready, so when your 30-day free trial is over and you're like "I wanna pay, I want to go with this," you just roll right over and you're already done.
You can't just go and get some no-name Linux server and have Xcode running on it - you need a Mac! Go to them, MacStadium knows how to professionally host macOS X Server in a great colocation environment. It is time to get your build server out of your office closet, or out from under your desk and put it in the hands of some professionals. Our second sponsor, another great sponsor, perfect for this audience is MacStadium.